World from Space is a company creating downstream applications based on Earth Observation and AI. WFS has experience with EO data processing (multispectral, SAR), data analysis and visualization, machine learning and integration of the resulting products into software and GIS platforms. WFS was founded in 2017 and currently employs 12 people.
Competences and capabilities
- Automated cloud-based EO data analysis (AWS, SentinelHub, Eurodatacube, CreoDIAS, OVH Cloud etc.)
- Batch processing, analytical data store, distributed data store, Big Data Workflow, Load balancing
- Copernicus data processing, analysis and consulting (CDS, ADS, EFFIS, GDO, CLMS, CEMS etc.)
- Global field-level crop monitoring based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 fusion
- Raw optical data preprocessing (Level 0 - Level 2)
- Machine learning with EO data (eo-learn, pytorch, GAN, Tensorflow, etc. )
- Soil moisture and drought assessment based on Sentinel 1, Sentinel 2 and SMOS
- Urban EO monitoring – adaptation to climate change, vegetation, temperature, air quality, sustainability indicators
- Interactive web-based map applications, dashboards and stories
- Python, JS, GRASS GIS, QGIS, GDAL, SNAP, Hadoop, HBase, GeoWave, etc.
- DynaCrop (TRL9) - powerful crop monitoring for agricultural software platforms anywhere in the world. API, whitelable webapp (
- DynaCity (TRL8) - web application monitoring urban green, urban heat island, and air pollution
- UpGreen (TRL5) - predicting health state of urban green and proposing nature-based solutions to urban climate change adaptation (
- Orbis (TRL3) - Czech Data Processing Pipeline for EO Missions
Major Space Projects & References
- ESA EO Clinic - 5 RFPs focused on EO data analysis for international development banks (2020-2023)
- ESA Urban Green - Feasibility study for the UpGreen product (2022-2023)
- ESA AMBIC - Ambitious Czech Satellites mission (phases 0,A,B1) (2022-2023)
- ESA TAVAP - Feasibility study for optimizatuion of use of plant growth regulators (2022-2023)
- H2020 EuroGEO Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe. A cloud-based contribution to Earth Observation (2021-2023)
- Effective mapping of soil conditions and soil moisture to stabilize yields (2021-2024)
- LAICA - satellite vegetation monitoring using AI for SAR and optrical data fusion (2022-2023)
Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates