Catalogue – Czech Space Directory
Catalogue of Czech entities involved in ESA and other space projects.

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LICRIT s.r.oIndustry entity
LICRIT s.r.o. provides development of turnkey safety-critical electronic systems and acts as a specialized partner supporting leading development and manufacturing companies in the fields of aviation, space and functional safety.
Technická 2935/23
Brno 616 00
Entry Engineering s.r.o.Industry entity
Development and testing of electronics, mechanical machining, composite manufacturing, machine building, HW and SW development.
Ohrazenice 254
Turnov 51101
Dartsat s.r.o.Industry entity
Development and production of antenna systems for the ground segment of satellite communications.
Česká Republika
Všenorská 265
Dobřichovice 25229
CUBE CZ s.r.o.Industry entity
Designing, production and assembly of printed circuit boards (PCB) for demanding applications
Česká republika
Ferdinandov 612
Hejnice 463 62
SPACERACE s.r.o.Industry entity
Vývoj, výroba a prodej elektromechanických komponentů a subsystémů pro kosmický průmysl.
Česká republika
Purkyňova 649/127
Brno 61200
North-Bohemian Observatory and Planetarium in TepliceAcademic entity
Observatory and Planetarium
Koperníkova 3062
Teplice 415 01
Planetum – Observatory and Planetarium of capital city PragueAcademic entity
Planetum is a brand of the contributory organization Observatory and Planetarium of capital city Prague.
Kralovska obora 233
Praha 7 170 21
Kleť ObservatoryAcademic entity
The Kleť Observatory is a research institution belonging to few natural science centers of Southern Bohemia in the Czech Republic.
Zátkovo nábřeží 4
České Budějovice 370 01
IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, Technical University of OstravaAcademic entity
Research, development, and innovation centre active in the fields of High-Performance Computing (HPC), Data Analysis (HPDA), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their application to other scientific fields, industry, and society
17. listopadu 15
Ostrava 708 00
TOPTEC, Institute of Plasma Physics of the CASAcademic entity
Research Centre for Special Optics and Optoelectronic Systems
Sobotecká 1660
Turnov 511 01
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU PragueAcademic entity
The IEAP is a scientific-academic unit of the CTU oriented on the Physics of the Microworld and its applications.
Husova 240/5
Praha 1 110 00
Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of SciencesAcademic entity
Research in a wide range of evolutionary and ecologically focused botanical disciplines
Zamek 1
Průhonice 252 43
Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of SciencesAcademic entity
Public research institution oriented toward research of the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth, ionospheres and magnetospheres of planets of the Solar system, and of the solar wind.
Bocni II 1401
Praha 4 141 31
Global Change Research Institute CAS (CzechGlobe)Academic entity
European center of excellence investigating the ongoing global change and its impact on the atmosphere, biosphere and human society through the use of the latest techniques and instrumentation.
Bělidla 986/4a
Brno 603 00
Faculty of Science, Palacký University OlomoucAcademic entity
Studies of Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Ecology, Earth Sciences
17. listopadu 50
Olomouc 771 46
Faculty of mathematics and physics (MFF UK), Charles UniversityAcademic entity
computer modeling of the detector systems, design of measuring process, onboard software for device control and data processing, manufacturing of the mechanical parts in cooperation with external partners
Ke Karlovu 3
Praha 2 121 16
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE), CTU PragueAcademic entity
electrical engineering, telecommunications, radio engineering, automation, informatics and computer science and engineering
Technická 2
Praha 160 00
Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS), University of West BohemiaAcademic entity
Research areas: Cybernetic Systems, Information Technology, Heterogeneous Materials, Thin-Film Materials, Mathematical models, Geospatial data
Univerzitní 22
Plzeň 306 14
Department of Soil Science and Soil Protection, Czech University of Life Sciences PragueAcademic entity
The Department of Soil Science and Soil Protection provides teaching, and engages in research in all branches of soil sciences.
Kamýcká 129
Praha 6 165 00
Department of Physical Electronics, CTU PragueAcademic entity
Laser technology, photonics and computer physics
Brehova 7
Praha 1 115 19
Český hydrometeorologický ústavAcademic entity
State central institute of the Czech Republic for the fields of air quality, meteorology, climatology and hydrology
Na Šabatce 17
Praha 4 143 06
CESNET z. s. p. o.Academic entity
CESNET is an association of universities of the Czech Republic and the Czech Academy of Sciences. It operates and develops the national e-infrastructure for science, research and education which encompasses a computer network, computational grids, data storage and collaborative environment. It offers a rich set of services to connected organisations.
Zikova 1903/4
Praha 6 160 00
Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR, v.v.i.Academic entity
Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, public research institution, conducts research in a broad field of nuclear physics, experimental as well as theoretical.
Czech republic
Husinec - Řež 130
Řež 25068
UNITES Systems a.s.Industry entity
Our main focus is to produce and develop testers, testing & measuring equipment and provide services in test & measurement. We develop testers for different industries.
Kpt. Macha 1372
Valašské Meziříčí 757 01
UNEX a.s.Industry entity
A manufacturer of wheeled excavators, a supplier of heavy engineering components and a long-term partner of the world's leading industrial corporations
Brnicko 1032
Uničov 783 91
Spacemanic CZ, s.r.o.Industry entity
Satellite mission integrator, focused on delivering flight proven innovative and reliable nanosatellite solutions, platforms, components and services.
Purkyňova 649/127
Brno 612 00
SERENUM, a.s.Industry entity
CubeSat component and BUS manufacturer, integrator, and service provider based in the Czech Republic
Jana Babáka 2733/11
Brno 612 00
Serco Czech Republic, s.r.o.Industry entity
Company supporting governments and international organisations in the delivery of essential public services. In Europe, we focus on four key sectors: Space, Defence, International Organisations and Immigration.
6th floor Palác Ara, Perlová 371/5
Praha 110 00
Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe, s.r.o.Industry entity
Development and manufacturing of X-ray optics, X-ray detectors and X-ray sources, as well as other related scientific products for industry and research
Za Radnicí 868
Dolní Břežany 252 41
ProjectSoft HK a.s.Industry entity
Control of technological processes, machine-technological engineering, production information systems
Eliščino nábřeží 375
Hradec Králové 500 03