Evektor spol. s r.o.
Průmyslový subjekt Association of the Czech AeroSpace Industry (ALV)Jiné či bez členství v asociaciManufacturingR&DServicesTesting
Evektor is one of the world's leading manufacturers of ultralight aircraft. In addition to aircraft development and design, Evektor offers services in the automotive and engineering industries. Evektor's activities include industrial design, electrical systems and avionics, engineering (complex strength analyses, fatigue life analyses, aerodynamic calculations and analyses of electromagnetic field effects, industrial automation, rapid prototyping).
Česká republika
Letecká 1008
Kunovice 68604
Contact person
Tomáš Vlček
vedoucí projektové kanceláře
tel: 735 181 900
gsm: 735 181 900
email: tvlcek@evektor.cz