Software solutions for ESA, Eumetsat, Spaceopal, ESSP, EUSPA, TAS, Airbus DS and other international customers.
Core expertise SBAS/Galileo, SSA (robotic & fly-eye telescopes, asteroid detection), Ariane 6 software.
- Flyeye telescope
- Ariane 6
Competences and capabilities
In space technologies since 1994 e.g. Meteosat TP MCC CF, SCOS, ground segment systems ESOC, ESRIN, IRIDIUM terminal test software, MSG, MCF, MSG PGS etc.
Commercial products
Our software runs in the TAS-F EGNOS simulator (5 year maintenace contact), CNES, ESA, West Africam ANS, ESSP(EGNOS operator), Romanian Space Institute, UK Lighthouse Authority, Telespazio, CNES, and even in the Japanese government institute (QZSS) ENRI.
EVORA – real-time GNSS performance monitoring, multi-constellation, dual frequency (MCDF)
SBAS Simulator II – volume simulator, MCDF
SENDAI – long term GNSS performance monitoring statistics and data mining too, MCDF
We can also work in Spanish, German and Portuguese, with basic French, and Japanese.
Major Space Projects & References
Since 2005 (ESA membership) ISS has been developing space software solutions for:
- MEOLUT (Medium Earth Orbit Local User Terminal (MEOLUT) for GJU with Indra
- E.g. SBAS performance tools for ESA, Collision Risk Estimation & Automated Mitigation (CREAM#3), Machine learning to model GNSS. For EUSPA we work e.g. on Galileo HAUT, EGNOS V2 support and EGNOS V3
- SSA – robotic telescope test bed, fly-eye telescope, optical sensors qualification, telescope data processing chain, European Optical Network
- Sat-com (Antares with TAS-I & Indra), IRIS (INMARSAT)
- Launchers - Ariane 6 telemetry onboard processing software, and ground segment s/w
Clients, partners
ESA (ESOC, ESRIN, ESTEC, EGNOS Project Office Toulouse), Eumetsat, GJU/Indra, ACS-I, CAM GmbH, Iridium sub., SciSys-UK, Indra-E, Integral-F, TriPolus-UK, Airbus SD-D&F, TAS-F, TAS-I, GMV-E&R&PL, Sybilla-PL, Integricom-NL, Vega-D, Quasar-E, Clemessy-F, Critical Software-D&P, Telespazio-F, Ariane Group, ESSP, SpaceOpal, ENRI-Japan, ASECNA-West Africa…
Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates