LICRIT s.r.o

Průmyslový subjekt Jiné či bez členství v asociaci

Technická 2935/23
Brno 616 00

gsm: +420 777 859 961


LICRIT specializes in the development of systems where criticality matters, focusing on the aviation, space, and functional safety sectors. We are an AS9100-certified supplier of airborne software, DO-178C certification solutions, consulting, and training. Our team comprises safety-critical professionals with experience spanning complete development system, hardware and software lifecycles. We work with safety-critical standards such as ARP 4754A, ARP 4761, DO-160, DO-254, DO-178C, IEC 61508, ECSS-E-ST-40C, ECSS-Q-ST-80C, NASA NPR 7150.2C, and others. We have expertise in the development and certification of engine control systems, communication systems, and other safety-critical control embedded systems.

Competences and capabilities

Space software development and qualification according to ECSS-E-ST-40C, ECSS-Q-ST-80C and NASA NPR 7150.2D.

Aviation systems, hardware and software development according to ARP 4754B, ARP 4761A, DO-178C, DO-254, DO-160G,EASA AMC-20, EASA PART 21 standards and regulations.

Functional Safety and Railway systems and software development according to IEC 61508, EN 50126, EN 50128, EN 50129. 

Major Space Projects & References

As a subcontractor we worked on Level A Space Software for human flights with compliance to ECSS and NASA standards. We have worked on many safety-critical projects for aviation, space and functional safety up to highest criticality level.

Space Related Equipment, Labs & Certificates

AS9100-certified supplier of airborne software, DO-178C certification solutions, consulting, and training.

Contact person

Karel Szurman
Head of Software, Co-founder

gsm: +420728653202
