Supply of selected range of electrotechnical materials and components for space applications. Assistance in development of new products, finding the most effective solutions. Testing of magnetic, corrosion and mechanical properties of materials. Production of parts and assemblies for energy, engineering and other industries.
Česká republika
68f Křižíkova
Brno 61200
Distribution of titanium, nickel and its alloys, stainless steel etc.
Vídeňská 204/125
Brno 61900
Designing, production and assembly of printed circuit boards (PCB) for demanding applications
Česká republika
Ferdinandov 612
Hejnice 463 62
Launch and in-orbit services for satellites
Technicka 2935/23
Brno 616 00
Vývoj, výroba a prodej elektromechanických komponentů a subsystémů pro kosmický průmysl.
Česká republika
Purkyňova 649/127
Brno 61200
Contractually providing a custom PCB layout services (ECSS, NewSpace), as well as embedded hardware design (including RF). Consultation services in area of embedded hardware cyber security.
Moravský Krumlov Rokytná 67201
Česká republika
K Rybníčku 557
Horní Bříza 33012
Our company specializes in the analysis of celestial bodies using laser spectroscopy and spectrometry and hyperspectral imaging. Our primary product is the ISRA payload "In-Situ Resource Analyser" enabling in-situ elemental analysis of regolith (Moon, Mars). This project won the Start-Up Support Program competition organized by ESRIC, ESA and LSA. Other expertise that we use in the development of payloads for LEO satellites is the design of optical and optomechanical components, as well as the development of electronics.
Renneská třída 13
Brno 63900