Industrial and academic subjects in the Czech Republic

Total 147 subjects.

Ústav makromolekulární chemie AV ČR, centrum OPTOELAcademic entity

Research in polymers for electronics and photonics and energy transfer and conversion

Heyrovského nám 2
Praha 6 16206

SYSGO s.r.o.Industry entity

Embedded Technologies for a Safe & Secure connected Future. SYSGO is the leading European provider of real-time operating systems for critical embedded applications in the Internet of Things (IoT).

Česká republika
Zelený pruh 1560/99
Praha 14000

TTTechIndustry entity

Safe and reliable network solutions for space applications

Česká Republika
Šumavská 519
Brno 60200

One3D s.r.o.Industry entity

Additive manufacturing

Česká republika
Aditivní 1
Mohelnice 789 85

Hikade Technologies s.r.o.Industry entity

A tech company specialized in R&D of advanced technologies.

Česká republika
Purkyňova 2836/79a
Brno 61200

České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Kloknerův ústavAcademic entity

Civil Engineering, Development of New Materials and Procedures for Constructions, testing and diagnostics of building elements

Česká republika
Šolínova 7
Praha 160 00

TRL Space Systems s.r.o.Industry entity

Providing experience, services, and subsystems globally and commercially. Through partnership and by connecting different institutions and technologies we are building space missions as a system integrator.

Česká republika
Plynárenská 1
Brno 60200

eMan a.s.Industry entity

Software development, UX / UI Design, Outsourcing IT specialists, Consulting, Biometric and electronic signatures, Mobile Device Management

Česká republika
U Pergamenky 1145/12
Praha 7 170 00