OteSpace, s.r.o. is a Czech new-space start-up company. The short-term goal is to develop a family of reliable, versatile, reusable and user-friendly rocket propulsion systems “PEPEk” based on non-toxic, non-cryogenic and environment-friendly propellants. In our approach, both reliability and low cost are achieved by the KISS (Keep It Straight & Simple) design principle. The key properties are the following: Hydrogen peroxide oxidizer; Hypergolic ignition; A pump-fed cycle using electric positive-displacement pumps; A pintle injector with variable clearance area for a wide throttle range; Moderate chamber pressure; Nominal thrust level up to 30kN.

- Custom rocket propulsion systems based on hydrogen peroxide oxidizer.
- Hot-gas RCS (Reactive control systems) based on gaseous propellants.
- Test-ground services for rocket engines and/or their components.
WEBSITE: www.otespace.cz
Contact: filip.otevrel@otespace.cz
Represented at IAC by:
Filip Otevřel